The Progress: Highlights From My 2nd Week, 4-30-12


My 60 Day Challenge: Highlights from Week 4/30/2012

I will be honest, I think I have not been as productive as I could have been this week. My mind has wondered onto a few other tasks. However, Divinite' Jewellry still remains a top priority. I realize that time management skills must be added to my lists of metrics for my 60 Day Challenge, :). There's so much work to do and all I can see right now is what needs to be done and how to get there. The improvement isn't that clear to me yet. I do realize, patience is your BEST FRIEND in starting any business, side hustle or big time business plan.ļ»æ

One major thing I must say I have learned this week is that social media networking is truly a FULL TIME JOB! This is something that you must stay on top of if you really want to get your product(s) out there. I have been researching strategies on how to extend my reach. Of course, no one can build a following overnight unless you are Justin Bieber, :-). I swear that kid came out of nowhere, lol. Anyways, I will begin trying a few new things this week in conjunction with experimenting with YouTube (cross your fingers)! So, without further adieu, here are my highlights from the previous week. This thing is getting a little hard, folks.

Highlights From Week 4-30-12 by Metrics

Etsy Shop

  • Listed 10 new items to my store.
  • 26 items away from my goal of 100 listings
  • Etsy circles count increased by 7. Now 193, was 186.
  • Shop now favorited by 120 people. Up 3!

Social Media Reach

  • Blog views have hit over 600!!! 687 views as of 5-8-12
  • Uploaded new photos to Tumblr
  • Facebook Fanpage likes now 37!! Up 7 likes from previous week.
  • Interacted with my first fellow Atlantan bead vendor, Beads of Cambay!!!!!! Exciting!
  • LinkedIn connections increased from 48 to 51!!
  • Blog followers now 6. Up from 3.
  • One new follower on NetworkedBlogs, Beads of Cambay!-Thank you!
  • Continuing interaction with fb family!
  • Opened up new Photobucket account and loaded photos.
  • Opened up new social networking fashion pinboard, Polyvore.
  • Posted  new album of work on Facebook entitled, Divinite' Jewellry, May 2012

Divinite' Jewellry Collections

  • Took photos of new work.
  • 10 new items listed on Etsy
  • Most of all necklace inventory has now been photograph. Just a few pieces left.

Community Activity

  • Still researching how to automatically link a portion of proceeds from segmented jewelry sales toward charitable causes. No clear answer thru paypal.

I have managed to setup and complete the profiles of 4 social networking sites plus 3!
  1. Tumblr
  2. YouTube
  3. Photobucket
  4. Pinterest
  5. StumbleUpon
  6. Polyvore
  7. Google Plus
You have to cheer for every little success you have. Each "little" success you have will definitely lead to the "BIG" success in the long run. 

Time to think critically and creatively.

Focus for Week of 5-6-12

The main metric of focus this week will be Social Media. I will need to conjure a draft for a YouTube video of my work. Begin working on creative ways to extend my reach to my audience.

Upcoming Ideas

I need to work on paying it forward. Having all the focus on just yourself isn't always the best thing. Sometimes, you have to extend a hand and in return, someone else will give you a second look. So, I will begin blogging about fellow artisans I have met along the way and I have 3 individuals in mind already I would like to showcase. Also, this week, I will create my "Divinite' Fine" facebook album on my fanpage. This album will highlight the beautiful wearers of my jewelry and their style. Exciting!

Well, this is all, folks! Until the next blog, I am wishing each of creative enlightenment for your week!



  1. Your off to a great start! The new pictures are great and your work is beautiful!!

  2. Job job! I totally agree in celebrating the little successes. From experience, growing little steps at a time is best since it makes things manageable and you do not become discouraged if short term goals are too big! Social networking is a lot of work but as long as you view it as fun it does not feel like work. Reading blogs is one of my favorite things to do online!

    1. Thank you for your feedback!!! I am quick to get discouraged if things do not happen the way I pray. So, the little goals makes a huge difference for me to have the momentum to keep going. So, I am glad to see how well you are thriving. Any advice on how to reach your status is greatly appreciated, :-). Thank you, Miss Val.


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