I am RAW: Prepping For The RAW Artists Showcase Atlanta

Can you believe that we are halfway through 2013, my God??!!! I am still feeling the drowsiness I felt from doing the photoshoot back in February. This year has presented so many new things for Divinite' Jewellry. There are goals still to be met and more exciting firsts to be experienced. More than ever, this year has allowed me to be free in my direction and free to live through my own imagery. One goal this year was to participate in a show, festival or jewelry show in a format to reach newer audience.
I did anticipate doing some shows this year and one of those shows is the very live and in color "RAW" Artists Atlanta Showcase.
The RAW Artists Showcase is a nationally recognized underground urban Indie exhibition experience of sorts showcasing the awesomely eclectic musical, make up, photographic, painting, fashion, jewelry artistry of some seriously groovy individuals. Ordinarily, an individual just starting out with excellent work would have a frustrating time sketching out how to increase their reach. Social networking, of course, is obvious to say the least but you also need the genuine one on one touch and "this" is what I am so looking forward to, to say the least since there is so much more. I have worked hard on building an online presence and am working on more goals with that aspect. However, for now, we are focusing our attention on the June RAW Atlanta Showcase!!
Working On A Display Concept
I don't have much time in preparation for the big showcase, which is on Thursday evening, whew! I know that I don't intended on bringing a trailer load of items with consisting of multiple bags and rollers. This time, I want to be smart about how I perform this set up. What's important to me is that my set up be quick, clean, effective, modern and bold. The most important element of my set up is that it should engage the audience and fit the ambiance of the showcase, which is urban contemporary. I've learned quite a bit from the last few shows and I am always fumbling around with last minute items and thinking of what piece should go where and exact placement. Since I will only have one table with perhaps a hanging metal gate as my backdrop, here's a few of my idea concepts flowing through my mind at present:
This is just a simple wooden board, huh?? Well, isn't the most simplest of items the most effective? When it comes to accessories, in my humble opinion, less is certainly more, always. You want to draw attention to the creativity and overall aesthetic to your work. When I saw this board, I immediately knew I needed something like this to focus on some of my stellar works for Divinite' Jewellry. A board like this would present my jewelry at eye level to increase audience engagement through ease of viewing. They can clearly see each piece hanging from the modular units on the board. Even though I would have more items to showcase, having just a few key items allows the audience to grow a certain hunger to view additional items through a concept like this.
When I searched the Flickr album for RAW Artists Atlanta, I came across a new take on the display busts. So boring are the black or white velvet and/or leatherette display busts for jewelry shows. Breaking up the monotony is so fun. Paper mache or decoupage displays are so funky and creative that the displays alone will demand a more thoughtful viewing of your work and a good once over from your new found follower. There's an organic feel to these DIY displays.
OOOOHHHHHHHHH, how do I love colorful twine and linen displays???? I swear that these items give me life and breathes new energy into my jewelry. Understanding that your displays has just as much of an effect on your jewelry just as much as your jewelry has an effect on the display couldn't be more true. We as jewelry designers must move away from the typical displays. Don't get me wrong, using the classics are always a great but when it comes to handmade jewelry with a cultural flare, they demand artistic displays. Afterall, aren't we creating a story?? I am in love with twine and wooden displays. These are a necessary element to the overall look of my jewelry line. I am on a search for larger stands for my larger necklaces but if push comes to shove, I may try my hand at making my own.
I want to focus on a set amount of pieces, not my whole line, to draw a cohesive understanding about the Divinite' Jewellry brand. RAW is truly testing my comfort zone with putting everything out, as I normally do so, chosing wisely is a must. Since I will only have one table, I have to make this work which I will need to utilize my vertical airspace more. I am excited about the show but even more excited with the concepts we will use to display my work before a brand new audience. It's quite intimidating but reviving at the same time.
So, last Tuesday, we did our run through of the space. For those of you in the Atlanta area, it's by to the old Puritan Mill/Manufacturing area by Joseph E. Lowery Blvd/West Marietta Street. The space is just so inspiring. How can you go wrong with a urban lounge type of theme??? The space looks rather large on the photos but in person, it seemed smaller, which was even more inspiring. When you give truly creative people a canvas, they will come up with anything and these artisians figured out a way to use up every ouunce of space and still make it look......spacious!!! I absolutely love the location. Now parking, that's another story, uggh!!!! This is another reason for I have decided to go strategically light so that I may set up and unload in 20 minutes or less with every item intact and an accomplished smile upon my face. Being the procrastinator that I am at times, I am just now starting to work on new projects, perhaps 10-15 pieces just for this event. I will never know what photos they will take of my work so, something new and fresh must be presented. I am, once again nervous but surprisingly, ex ited. Other than trying to get tickets sold to the event, my nerves are at level, :-).
The opportunity is one of a kind. The organization is definitely a hardcore underground art movement and I am SOOO PROUD that I am officially, RAW!!!!
The RAW Artist Kaleidoscope Atlanta Showcase will be held on Thursday, June 27th, 2013, 8pm - 12 midnight at Terminal West 887 West Marietta Street, Atlanta. You can visit my RAW artists profile to purchase tickets to this rapturous event: http://www.rawartists.org/divinitejewellryculture
Should I do what God has told me to correctly and I am praying that I will.......I will happily stand in my doorway momentarily with a pleasant smile of happiness and satisfaction, before diving into my bed from exhaustion!!!!
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