The Beauty Supply Store Sting

This is my first blog! Yeah, me. But seriously,

I just began making jewelry on a consistent basis around the earlier part of this year ( my where did the time go). As I create my pieces, I cannot help but think about the money I have spent year after year after year since I began working at the age of 12 on beauty supply store jewelry. It is very convenient and popular even in your youth to buy the inexpensive and colorful blingy from the corner beauty supply store. This is appropriate as when you are young, we tend to be hard on things and our appreciation levels haven matured yet. Don't get me wrong, I will from time to time, purchase pieces from there because they are cute and will serve the purpose for which it is needed. However, after a few wearings and perhaps some time later, you will notice that some of your faved pieces have seemingly just turned on you, may even sting your skin at times. And, when you look again, you will notice that you may have collected quite a bit of the turncoat items. I've taken a good look at all the pieces I have accumulated over the years and thought to myself, I could have bought a true signature piece of real metals and stones with the money that I have spent on this stuff and I have A LOT of pieces. So, to try and recoup some of the funds I have spent over the years, I decided to recycle the pieces by breaking them down and using those components to inspire new sets! I must say that I have saved quite a penny by being able to resist the temptation to buy the cute jewelry I see at the beauty supply store. In case I do falter, I know that I am able to reuse every component of the piece and still turn it into something truly unique and something that will withstand daily rigors and time.

With age, you really begin to value your dollar. You begin to value the items you'll bring into your home. You will really begin to value the things you place unto the temple that is your body. You want things that will stick around with you for quite some time, if not, forever. In creating jewelry, I do my best to keep that in mind. I want my pieces to become a part of an individuals' lifestyle; an instant go to piece. Each piece of jewelry should be viewed as an art of adornment to convey who you are. Jewelry is more than just a .99 cent affair. Jewelry is an expression; an expression of self. While everything in your jewelry wardrobe should not be Lorraine Schwartz ( if you can afford it in abundance, please offer your sponsorship to me, lol, :-)), you will need to have a healthy mix of both inexpensive, middle of the road and special jewelry. I am finally learning this concept and now and am addressing all of the jewelry I currently have. We tend to focus mainly on the clothing wardrobe and not our jewelry wardrobe. Time to change things up.

Before you take a trip to your local beauty supply store for jewelry, take a look into the art of making your own. You might be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.
