Finally: My Shop Has Reached 100!!!!

Finally, It Happened To Me!!!

My Shop Has Reach 100 Handmade Items!!!

Take A Look....

Every handmade artists knows how hard it is to work up a good inventory. On Etsy, it is great to have at least 25 items in your shop and more than that if you are able to. A lot goes into to posting each and every item you currently have in your inventory into  your store listings. A different listing description for each piece, pictures to showcase the various angles and making sure that it is prices fairly for both the you and ourselves. It's a lot of work but it is well worth it when you can stand back and look at the time you put into getting it done. So, here's to each and every entrepreneur......step back, it's time to look at your progress.....

I've made it 100 items in my Etsy store. I cordially invite you into my world, reloaded.....

Divinite' Jewellry
"Art of Adornment"
