The Progress: Highlights From My First Week, 4-22-12

My 60 Day Challenge: Highlights from Week 4/22/12

What an amazing first week, even though I feel like I am constantly trying to play catch up, :-). This challenge has proven very much that I have someone to answer to. Not only am I accountable to my faithful audience but I am ultimately accountable to myself. The achievements in our lives help to shape our very being, our confidence, our peace. This week, I learned how much can happen if you just give even the smallest push. The point is that you must push to get a "push back". I am enjoying the push back, no matter how small.....

I must be honest and say that I am a little overwhelmed with the work that I am trying to get done. My download to completion is a bit of a ways away. Patience, for me, is a must even though I must say I am not following this advice right now, lol. So, I figure if I continue in the direction and momentum that I have started this off with, by June, I will have what I am ultimately looking for and I can only imagine what the feeling will be to see that I have managed to nurture my seed into something so glorious and colorful. I have to thank God because I can see this coming into fruition! After reviewing the work I've managed to achieve this week, my first week ended with an absolute "BANG!!!!!". Sometimes, you need to place before you what you have accomplished so that you can see you are truly making moves. For my first week into this challenge, here are my highlights as follows:

Highlights From Week 4-22-12 By Metrics

Etsy Shop
  • Two sales, back to back!!! That is a rarity and anyone on Etsy knows how hard it is to be found!
  • Circles Count increased from 178 to 186.
  • 117 people have favorited my shop. Up from 111
Social Media
  • Facebook fanpage increased from "17 likes" to "30 likes" as of 4-27-12. Now able to view metrics.
  • Blog views have hit over 500!!!!!
  • Obtained 3 followers on my blog. Up from "0".
  • Received 2 comments on my blog.
  • Received a beautiful message from a reader after social marketing thru email.
  • Blog has been fully updated with links to Twitter, Facebook, Behance & Google +
  • Linked In profile connection count increased for 34 connections to 48!
  • Signed up for Tumblr. Profile completed
  • Signed up for Pinterest. Profile completed.
  • Signed up for YouTube. Profile completed
  • Listed 4 pieces for challenge
  • Have interacted and engaged on a daily basis with my audience
  • Launched two sales campaigns total so far.
Online Sales
  • Two sales, back to back on Etsy. Shop sales increased from 22 to 24. Two down, 6 to go
  • Two inquiries about my pieces. (Steady planting seeds will result in destined growth, :-).
Divinite' Jewellry Collections
  • In progress. New work to arrive by Monday, May 7th.
Community Activity
  • Checking into paypal to see how can I link donations percentages thru the sales of my jewelry.
  • Monica Pearson (Kaufman) of WSBTV replied to my email thanking her for the purchase of my necklace!!!
  • LaShanda Henry, CEO of My Black Business Woman website ( featured two of my necklaces, The Eye of the Phoenix and Mandarin Teardrops Necklace on the front page of her website under the photos tab!! My photos are right at the front. Screenshot will be available.
  Additional Task(s) completed
  • Created official domain email address. The new address is This looks so much more professional than Trust me, when it comes to business, every little detail counts when consumers are looking for whom they choose to buy from. This lovely tip came from Thanks, Ross Kimbarovsky!!!! All emails from my GMail account are linked into this email account so that I will not need to contact every person to inform them my email has changed. Saves a lot of time and headaches. I will just begin using the new one.
  • Photoshoot for my jewelry has been scheduled for 6-2-12 with Deborah Cartegena!!! Excellent woman and I am excited!
Work on Etsy Shop metrics and upload photos to Tumblr and Photobucket. Continue to work on Behance Network portfolios.

Goal(s) almost completed: Social Networks signed up for. One to go!!

So, my download toward completion: Moving steadily.

Thank you so much reading my stats!

